FAQs for Internal Medicine Residents 2005
Rotation Hours | Library | Meals |
Across from the Main Cafeteria
Main Lobby near gift shop
In The Link near the Wall Street Deli, Bank of America
Cafeterias and Eating Establishments
1st floor, Main Building 7am-10am, 11am-3:30pm, 4pm-12:30am |
1st floor, Perot Building 7am – 7pm, M-F |
The Link by PBII 7am – 4pm, M-F |
The Link by PBII 7am – 4 pm, M-F |
Call Rooms
Call Rooms are located in the Main Building on the 10th floor. Suite’s B and C are Intern sleep rooms and Suite D is the Resident sleep room. All suites have microwaves, refrigerators, telephones, computers, queen beds, recliners, televisions and private bathrooms. See the GME office for combinations to each room.
The Main Cashier will cash personal checks up to $50 for your convenience. Hours are 6:30am – 9:00pm M-F and 10am to 7pm Saturday and Sunday.
Attendance at the Teaching Conferences is required. An attendance rate of greater than 70% is required for graduation. To receive credit for attendance you must personally sign the sign-in roster. If you forget to sign-in, you may contact either Sherie or Tracy in the Internal Medicine Office by 5 pm of the day of the conference and inform them of your attendance. Otherwise, you will be counted as ""Not in attendance" for that conferance.
Dress Code
Dress the way your mother expects her doctor to dress
Scrubs are appropriate for call nights
Casual dress is appropriate on weekends, but you must have your white coat on
Sweats, t-shirts, and jeans are never appropriate
Each employee is expected to present a professional and business-like image and to wear his/her ID badge. Employees’ clothing and shoes should be clean, properly fitted and appropriate to the work situation. Tight-fitting, suggestive, see-through attire, jeans, jogging suits, sandals, and t-shirts are not permitted. Employees must practice good hygiene, including clean, neatly trimmed nails of appropriate length, and clean, neatly arranged and naturally colored hair. Jewelry should be worn in moderation and may not be worn in any visible places on the body that have been pierced except the ears.
Each month you will be responsible for evaluating the faculty you work with and the attending will be evaluating you
It is your responsibility to make sure the attending completes your evaluation and reviews it with you. You are required to sign it.
If there is a problem with the attending completing the form on time, let the GME office know
On Ward rotations, you will receive evaluations on your team members that must be completed
Holidays: Recognized PHD Holidays:
New Years Day |
Memorial Day |
Independence Day |
Labor Day |
Thanksgiving |
Christmas |
When you are on Wards:
7am to 5 pm when not on call
7am to 7am when on call
Subspecialty Rotations:
Varies by rotation
Some require 2 weekends per month
Some are Monday through Friday, no weekends
Unless you have requested vacation, you are expected to be at work
If your attending is out for a few days, this does not mean you are on vacation. You can work with another attending, spend time reading or studying in the library, prepare for journal club, begin work on your resident talk, or read up on patients.
The Medical Library, or Green Learning Center is on the Lower Level of the Fogelson Building
Library Staff are available from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday
Access is available 24 hours a day for your convenience
After hours, punch the button at the door and Security will release the lock
$50 a month is allotted to be used during months when you are on a subspecialty and NOT on call
$120 will be allotted during the months when you are on Wards.
This money can be used in the Main Cafeteria and the Doctors’ Dining Room
You MUST sign the clipboard in the Doctors’ Dining Room indicating your name and ID#
Once the funds are depleted, it will NOT be replenished until the next month
Page Operator
The extension to reach the page operator is x8480
They will not screen your pages
Always check out to the page operator when leaving
Remind them when you will be on vacation
You will be issued a pager through the Internal Medicine office
You are responsible for keeping it in your possession for the entire duration of your stay at Presby
Lost Pagers must be reported to the GME office and then paid for by way of payroll deduction from your paycheck
The Internal Medicine office has batteries and spare pagers for a day, in the event that you leave yours at home
You must notify the GME office of damaged pagers as well
You are assigned to Lot 7 (Employee Lot)
If you park in visitor lots in which you are required to pay, you may receive a ticket
If you receive a ticket, it will be your responsibility to pay for it.
Paychecks will be distributed every other Friday
The Internal Medicine office will have the check for you to pick up after 9am
If you have direct deposit, you will need to pick up your pay stub
Policies and Procedures
All hospital and GME policies are available in the GME office, Internal Medicine office, and on the website for your review at any time.
Resident Lounge
The Resident Lounge is located in the Main Building on the 10th floor. There are 12 study cubicles with a computer in each. Two residents will be assigned to each cubicle.
Your ID Badge will allow you access to the following restricted areas:
Emergency Department
Medical Records Charting Room
Professional Building Hallway
Green Learning Center
Subspecialty Rotation
You must call the Section Chief to arrange rotation and an attending, preferably 15 days ahead
Don’t wait until the day before your rotation begins to call the attending
As a courtesy, remind the attending if you had previously scheduled vacation for the first week of the rotation
Notify the GME office of which attending you are working with
No more than 5 days may be missed on a rotation for ANY reason
If more than 5 days are missed, this time must be made up before you will receive credit for the rotation
The exam must be taken on a non-ward month
There are 2 notaries in the GME office to complete the information
Test day is not counted as vacation time, however, only a total of 5 days may be taken off of a rotation (i.e. 2 days USMLE, 3 days vacation)
No vacation can be taken on Ward months
No more than 5 days can be taken per month
If taking a day for USMLE, your available vacation time is reduced accordingly.
A vacation form must be completed at least one month (30 days) in advance of the time being taken
Categoricals must notify the clinic 30 days before the vacation time
If you are taking the first week of a rotation, REMIND the attending just prior to your vacation
Forms are located in the Internal Medicine office.
Unused days of vacation will be paid out at the end of each training year (see the Policy and Procedure for Vacation Time in Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas Internal Medicine Training Program)