Graduate Medical Education Harassment Policy
Policy Number: 6
Date Issued: 1994
Prior Revision Date: 11/2002
  Date Revised: 01/2003

PURPOSE To require all medical students, interns, residents and fellows (hereafter all will be referred to as trainees) to maintain a work atmosphere and a patient care environment free from harassment of any kind. To advise trainees of the procedure for reporting harassment. To require all trainees to maintain a work atmosphere free from retaliation regarding the reporting of harassment.
SCOPE Applies to all trainees in graduate medical education training on the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas campus and includes harassment by employees and non-employees within the work and patient care environment.

It is the policy of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas to provide a work atmosphere for its trainees and a patient care environment that is free from harassment from any source, and to require trainees to maintain a work atmosphere that is free from harassment of any kind including verbal, physical, or sexual harassment. It is the policy of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas to provide trainees a procedure for reporting harassment. Retaliation toward any trainee who reports harassment is prohibited.

Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action, Communications/Internet

THR Human Resources policy on Harrassment



  1. Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory remarks, jokes or slurs, unwelcome sexual remarks, invitations, or comments because of gender, race religion, national origin, ancestry, mental or physical disability, medical condition, marital status, age or any other protected basis.
  2. Visual conduct such as display of derogatory or otherwise offensive posters, cards, calendars, photographs, cartoons, graffiti, drawings, mail or electronic mail, or gestures because of gender, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, mental or physical disability, medical condition, marital status, age or any other protected basis.
  3. Physical conduct such as assault, unwelcome touching, blocking normal movement or interfering with work because of gender, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, mental or physical disability, medical condition, marital status, age or any other protected basis.


Trainees are required to maintain a work atmosphere and patient care environment that is free from harassment of any kind
including verbal, physical or sexual harassment. Trainees of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas must demonstrate ethical behaviors consistent with the mission, vision, and values of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, and consistent with State and Federal guidelines. Trainees who engage in harassing conduct are subject to corrective action, including involuntary separation from employment.

A trainee who feels harassed in the work or patient care environment is strongly urged and encouraged to report the situation to the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas Human Resources representative. The trainee who makes a report is not required to do so in writing but is required to maintain the confidentiality of such information, discussing details only with those individuals within the organization on a “need to know” basis.

The Human Resources department is responsible for conducting a thorough and confidential investigation and for conducting corrective action if the evidence is sufficient to confirm that harassment has taken place.

Any trainee who observes anyone violating this policy will promptly notify his or her supervisor, a representative of Human Resources, or the Texas Health Resources Corporate Compliance Office, at 1-800-381-4728.

A trainee who has demonstrated harassing conduct and who has received corrective action for such, is prohibited from engaging in
any retaliatory action. A trainee who has reported harassing conduct is protected from retaliatory action.

Medical Director, Graduate Medical Education

Vice President, Medical Staff Affairs