- Handling
of Patient Admitted Via The Emergency Room
For house staff assistance
with patients admitted through the emergency room, the attending
physician should always contact the house staff
personally. This
clearly establishes a line of communication that is important in
the care of the patient, especially during the first and often critical
hours. This, of course, does not preclude direct communication
between the ER physician and the house staff, which is also
- Policy
for Circumstances (Emergent and Non-emergent) Under Which Residents
Should Provide Care to Patients Who Are Not On The Teaching Service.
- The house staff (interns and residents) in the internal medicine
training program do not have independent staff privileges. When
seeing patients in this hospital or its clinics, they do so under
the supervision of
a staff physician. Under very special circumstances, they
may be called to see a patient who is not on the teaching service. When
this occurs, they are to act within the following guidelines:
- Determine the urgency of the patient’s need by the nurse’s
description. If the
patient seems to be unstable by vital signs, respiratory status,
cardiac status, or mental status, please evaluate that patient
immediately. If
the patient is stable, please politely inform the nurse that
the patient is not on the teaching service and to please call
the attending
- While you are evaluating
the patient ask the nurse to place a call to the attending
physician. Inform
the physician of your findings and ask him what he wants to do. Your
responsibility is to stabilize the patient. If the attending asks
you to do more than that, politely tell him that you are unable to care
for non-teaching cases unless it is an emergency. You
may leave when the patient is stable and the attending is aware
the circumstances.
- If an Internist calls you
to evaluate a non-teaching patient and your own patient responsibilities
allow for you to take time to do that, please evaluate the
patient and call the attending with your findings. You
may leave the patient when that patient is stable.
- If a non-internist
calls you to evaluate a patient and the patient is not in your opinion
critical, please ask them to call an internal medicine attending, politely
explaining that you are not legally covered to do consults. If
the patient is critical, stabilize the patient and have the
attending call an internist.
- Cover
all METs. Stay with the patient until he/she is stable. Have
the nurse call the attending physician immediately.
- Only
a 2nd or 3rd year resident may evaluate a non-teaching service
- Please write a complete
note in the patient’s chart.
- Preventing Hospital Errors
- Be polite and considerate
if and when your orders are questioned. Do
not discourage questions about your orders.
- Write legibly. Print
if your handwriting is difficult to read.
- Avoid abbreviations. These
can mean totally different things
to different people
- Be
very careful with orders on narcotics and cytotoxic drugs.
- Remember
to adjust the dose of narcotics
in elderly patients
- Be very
careful when writing orders on
order forms where many medications are
listed; be sure
your intended medication is written
on the correct line.
- Avoid decimal
points, e.g. 2.0 can easily be read as 20.
- The
Teaching Service
- The majority of patients
admitted to the Teaching
Service have a private attending, and the private attending has
the ultimate
for and control over such patients. However,
by admitting to the Teaching
Service the private attending agrees to allow the housestaff
manage the patient
under his/her general
Thus, the
housestaff will play a role
in all decisions about diagnosis and treatment; will
write all the orders; will carry out
the diagnostic
work-up and treatment
plan; will do the appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures; will
the admission
history, physical examination, progress
notes and discharge
summary; and will take care
of the
patient in
all respects during the hospitalization.
When on subsequent rotations, the house staff will
perform in the same manner.
- Good
communication between housestaff
and attendings is the key to success of our program. This
will be markedly enhanced
if the attendings will always call the
housestaff directly
and if the
intern or resident
call the
attending each day
to discuss progress of the patient.
- Elective
- Attending
physicians are
encouraged to offer their patients to the Teaching Service,
provided the attending
believes the patient in question would be
a good teaching case for housestaff.
- The attending physician
should call the
resident who is admitting on the day in question. During
this phone call, the attending physician should discuss the purpose of
the admission, special dietary requirements, medication, lab work done
recently that does not need to be repeated, etc. If
the patient needs
to be seen immediately
upon admission,
be so notified.
- Attendings
who admit to the
Teaching Service are requested to do so on a regular basis,
not only for
convenience late at night or on weekends
- The resident
and/or intern should see the patient
within one hour of admission in
order to introduce
himself/herself, write a diet
order, and make sure the patient is not critically ill.
- On the day of admission,
the resident will write
a brief admit note and discuss the patient with his intern. The intern will write and dictate the admission history
and physical, and write admission orders. In
addition, he should call
the private attending
in order to
the patient's
plan (unless a different
communication arrangement
has been worked out
between the resident
and the attending).
- If the
Patient is a Clinic Patient:
- The patient
is seen in the
Emergency Room by the ER resident or the admitting resident.
- The admitting
resident assigns
the patient to one of the interns if he/she requires admission.
- If, after examining
the patient,
the resident feels that admission is not indicated, the
patient will
be discharged
from the Emergency Room with appropriate follow-up
arrangements. The
should write
a brief note
in the clinic
- Communication
and Interaction Between Housestaff
and Attendings
- When a resident accepts
a patient on
the Teaching Service he or she should do so with enthusiasm
and thanks. A negative attitude should not be conveyed to the attending
by such remarks as "we have already admitted seven patients." Such
remarks create hostility with almost all attendings, and they serve no
useful purpose. The attending should not be given the impression
that he must "sell" the
patients to the
teaching service.
- The
intern should
discuss the patient with the attending physician on a daily
basis. Progress
notes should not be used for personal
- Since close contact
should be maintained
between the housestaff and the admitting physician,
the attending should
only infrequently find it necessary to write orders
on his patient. The attending should do his/her best to always
work through the housestaff. If
the attending
does find it
necessary to
orders, a progress
note should
written to explain
the reasoning
behind the orders
that were
- Housestaff
should always
call the attending at night to discuss unexpected developments
or complications
- Housestaff should
not request
formal consultation without approval from the attending. It
may be necessary
to break this guideline in case of
- Consultants should
work through
the housestaff and allow housestaff to do or observe all
possible. Consultants
should not
write orders without discussing them with the
- Attendings should
discuss any
changes in management plans with the housestaff. All
orders must
be written by the residents.
- Attending physicians
should inform
his/her patients that they are to be admitted to the Teaching
Service. Patients
who will not allow active housestaff
in their
care should
not be admitted
to the Teaching Service.
- Whenever
and as often
as possible, house officers should go into the patient's
rooms with
attending as
the latter discusses problems, results of tests, etc. with
the patient.
- Patients should not be assigned
to the Teaching
Service simply by orders written on the order sheets. The
must be contacted and agree to accept the patient
- Success in our teaching program
depends on a
highly supportive relationship between attendings and residents. Therefore,
both housestaff and attendings
should make every effort to avoid and prevent hostility, contentious
disagreements, etc. If such situations
do arise, the residents should
care for the patient first, and report the incident later if
indicated. Conflicts
and disagreements
between housestaff and attendings
never interfere
with giving a
patient the best possible care.
- Declining
Admission to the Teaching Service
- The service is "full." The
should politely tell the attending that the service has
had to
be closed and ask him/her to admit to them another
- Inappropriate
generally fall into the following
- Patient
being admitted primarily for social reasons.
- Patient
being admitted primarily for a diagnostic survey
rather than for
specific symptom complex or
- When some factor
inherent to the patient's care prevents the housestaff
from assuming responsibility
for the patient.
- Such
factors might include a patient going for
cardiothoracic surgery.
- Criteria for
A "Full" Service
The resident
may decide
to close
Service if
and when
one of
the following
criteria are met:
- If
per intern.
- The
of the
services is greater than twenty patients.
- Multiple
ill patients
make it impossible to give good care to additional
- Physicians
Who Should Not Admit
Their Patients to the Teaching Service
- He/she does not
adhere to the spirit and letter of these guidelines. Physicians
who repeatedly admit to
teaching and do
not follow these guidelines
will have
their teaching
privileges revoked.
- He/she objects to
the teaching attending seeing and examining the patient
teaching rounds. Bedside
teaching by
the ward attending
is an important and indispensable
aspect of
our program for housestaff.
- Discharge Summaries
- Unless otherwise instructed by the attending physician,
summaries will be dictated by the intern.
- Signing
a Teaching Case
- Residents should
almost never sign off of a teaching case on one of the four
regular teaching
services. Signing off may be disturbing to the patient and his/her
family, and is not in the best interests of patient care. The teaching
service is committed to giving continuous care to anyone we accept on
the regular teaching service. To resign from a case, even if offered
the option by an attending, is not acceptable. This includes transition
periods at the end of the month. This policy precludes the housestaff
signing off because "teaching value" is no longer present. Such
thinking makes
patients an
object for
our benefit
rather than
commitment to
continuing care.
If it
is, in
spite of
these guidelines,
deemed necessary
for the
housestaff to
sign off
a case
on one
of the
four regular
teaching services,
this should
be discussed in
with the
Chairman of
the Department
of Internal
- It may become necessary
to sign off of some cases admitted to CCU. In such instances the
resident should clearly notify the attending so that there is no uncertainty
about whom is to write orders, etc. In addition, it is permissible
to sign off of a case when a patient is transferred to another service
for a surgical procedure when the new service does not intend to let
the medical housestaff play a significant role in patient care in the
postoperative period. Tact
must be
used in
such cases
to ensure
a smooth
transition and
avoid having
the patient
feel abandoned.